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Flamethrower FX

Air molecules slowly turn into flames and are concentrated into a sphere before being released like a flamethrower. Smoke is released when the flamethrower loses the fire.

Blizzard FX

Air molecules slowly turn into ice and are concentrated into a sphere before being released as tiny ice shards. Upon contact with the ice, the target will be frozen for a short period of time. 

Lightning Bolt FX

A quick bolt of electricity is fired at the target. The targets gets electrocuted for the duration of the bolt.

Shadowball FX

Dark energy slowly forms into a large, burning sphere with purple flames. Upon unleashing on to the target, it will burst into purple flames for a short period of time.

Rain FX

Stormy weather casts the sky with a heavy downpour.

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Game Effects!


Here's a delightful singer~!

\(*^0^)/ ♩  ♪  ♩  ♬  ♩  ♫  ♬  ♪  ♫

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